IELTS vs. CELPIP. Which Test is Easier?

Are you having trouble deciding which test you should take? Which one will be the piece of cake, and which one will be a bear trap? Well, take a chill pill because you are not the only one having these doubts. If you want to study abroad or work there, passing one of these tests with flying colors can help you achieve your dream.

Before we move further, get this straight that IELTS is the international English proficiency test while CELPIP is an English proficiency specifically for Canada. Now that you know the basic difference between the two, let’s understand the core of these two tests to help you make conscious decisions for your future.

What is IELTS vs. CELPIP?

IELTS and CELPIP are two variables that test proficiency in the English language. Both are heavily used for immigration, professional, and academic purposes but have different formats and requirements.

In case you are wondering which option is best, this blog will give you clarity. We will talk about several aspects of each test to enable you to make a decision based on preference and requirements.

IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

IELTS is the global test that assesses the English proficiency of non-native speakers in the English language. It measures the English language ability needed for education, professional registration, and immigration purposes. There are four main assessment areas:

  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking


These evaluations are done in different rounds, such as written, oral, and face-to-face assessments. IELTS has the highest acceptance rate worldwide which makes it the most vital tool to showcase the proficiency in the English language.

CELPIP (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program)

It is also a test that assesses the English proficiency of non-native speakers. The purpose of this test is similar to that of the IELTS, which is for education, professional registration, and immigration purposes. CELPIP also contains four assessment areas: listening, writing, reading, and speaking. However, it is totally computer-based, and results can be acquired within a week.

Comparison Between IELTS vs. CELPIP

To help you get the better understanding of both these English language tests we have created a table. Below is the comparison table of IELTS vs. CELPIP so you can know the core difference between the two.

Test Versions Academic and General Training versions. General version only.
Test Duration About 2 hours and 45 minutes in total. About 3 hours in total.
Speaking Section Face-to-face interview with an examiner Computer-based recorded responses.
Test Format Four sections – Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking. Four sections – Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking.
Scoring Scores in IELTS range from 1 to 9, with each section scored individually. CLB (Canadian Language Benchmark) scores are given from 1 to 12.
Test Frequency Tests are offered multiple times per month in various locations. Tests are available multiple times per month in Canadian centers.


How to Clear Assessment Round in IELTS vs. CELPIP

As you read earlier, four assessment procedures conclude the whole test. These are reading, writing, listening, and speaking. We will understand the detailed procedure and assessment marking in these four test modules.

1 – IELTS vs. CELPIP: Speaking

Before proceeding with your test, determine whether you will be comfortable speaking in front of the invigilator or prefer speaking on the computer. If you are confident enough to take face-to-face tests, then IELTS would be the best choice for you.

However, if you are conscious and somewhat of an introvert then CELPIP is the best course option to choose. In the Speaking assessment, there are a few sections that you must understand for both tests. Remember that you can give CELPIP only if you want to provide a proof of your English language proficiency in Canada only.

In CELPIP, there are mainly four main sections, based on which your English speaking is judged.

  • Accomplishing tasks on the computer
  • Good vocabulary
  • Content of your speaking
  • Ability to listen and understand

In IELTS, there are three modes of assessment to understand an individual’s language proficiency.

  • Introduction
  • Presentation
  • Analysis and Discussion

2 – IELTS vs. CELPIP: Reading

If you have a habit of reading and love to read general novels, then this assessment of reading will be a hot knife in butter for you. In this section of the CELPIP test, there is a paragraph that an individual must read and answer the questions given. Questions are primarily multiple-choice and must be attended to in the given time duration.

To make it easy for you, this paragraph is precisely like a reading comprehension assignment that many of you may have been doing since school. Understanding the paragraph and answering what has been asked is the key to excelling in this assessment.

In the IELTS test, the general and academic sections of the training have different reading texts. You must be able to pronounce and spell them correctly.

3 – IELTS vs. CELPIP: Writing

In the writing assessment, you have the freedom to either attempt it on a computer or write with a pencil on paper, which is only in IELTS. It totally depends on your comfort between typing or handwriting. However, In CELPIP, you don’t get this choice. It can only be done via computer.

Now, in the reading test, you must write two essays. There are five assessment criteria that you must keep in mind to get the required marks.

  • An essay must follow the proper structure
  • Should be completed in the assigned duration
  • Write a complete answer
  • An essay must be grammatically correct
  • Use a polite tone and the right vocabulary

4 – IELTS vs. CELPIP: General Test of Listening

This assessment requires exceptional listening skills and an understanding of the main idea of what has been spoken. IELTS has 40 questions that should be attempted within 30 minutes. In CELPIP, you will have 40 questions to answer within 47 to 55 minutes.

You will have to listen to the recording that is only played once and should answer according to it. The recording might be a mix of monologues or conversations of a native speaker.

Now you know about all the assessments you must go through in both IELTS and CELPIP. This elaborate explanation should give you a better idea about the difficulty level of both tests and which one you should attempt.

Which One is Easier? IELTS vs. CELPIP

Which test is easy would, of course, depend greatly on individual strengths and preferences. Because of the deliberately broad international scope and the variety of English accents involved in the listening sections, it might be a little tricky for those who have not heard many English dialects before.

By the end of the day, the preference among the two—IELTS vs. CELPIP—depends upon the comfort with test formats and which tests your educational institute demands. Individuals looking for more general international recognition should definitely go for IELTS, while those focusing on Canadian immigration can go for CELPIP. So, it can’t be said which one is easier.

Both can be challenging or easy depending on your level of preparation. So, without thinking about which one is easier, go for the one that suits your requirements, prepare well for it and ace your exam. If you still have questions about these two, let us know in the comments section.