IELTS During Lockdown
Covid-19 and lockdown have changed our whole world. But one thing that has not changed- you can still do IELTS. Before Covid-19, you might have been taking classes in the coaching center and, during this time, you can take online IELTS classes sitting in the comfort of your home.
With these important changes, some people might have difficulty adapting and adjusting to these new rules and regulations. Because almost everything has become online, the home has become a new class, and parents, siblings have become new classmates.
Preparing for IELTS during lockdown world has both positive and negative effects. The more you focus on the positive aspects, the better you improve your English language skills for the test. But where to start from?
Today, in this article, we will discuss some tips on how to prepare for IELTS during the lockdown.
Let’s dive in!
Re-arrange Our Study Space–
Now when you are doing almost everything at home, then it’s important to think about rearranging the study space you have that is more comfortable, organized, and not distracting. Try to keep your work area clean whenever you study. Studies have shown that standing desks improves posture and gives more energy and helps to stay focused. Your refreshed workplace will motivate you for a better study experience and hopefully a better IELTS score.
Only English Zone
Promise yourself that whatever you see, you will see in English, either a movie or a web series. If you use sticky notes, then write in English. When you are texting your friend, send it in English. Want to play music? Play English songs. Many studies show that if you use English frequently, it will help to improve English language fluency and other skills need to get a good score on the IELTS test.
Try to Use Paper Only
Try to prepare your IELTS notes or material in English to keep yourself focused. Turn off your computer, mobile phone, tablets, or laptop, and put them in a different room. Write letters, emails, essays in English on paper without taking any help from the internet. This step will help you to build confidence andimprove your English proficiency which further helps you in your IELTS test.
Find a Quiet Place
Here is an idea for you. Try to do the practice speaking and listening in English in the empty room or hall. Go somewhere where you can speak louder without getting distracted. This is the best way to improve your speaking and listening English to have an interesting and uninterrupted conversation with yourself again and again.
Wrapping Up –
In the end, we can say that it’s not difficult to prepare for IELTS during lockdown if you want to. Even IELTS coaching online helps you a lot during Covid-19 times, you just need the right attitude, some creativity, and a good plan to get a better IELTS score. And if you are still not sure about how to prepare then you contact IELTS online coaching in Mohali to get help with your IELTS preparation.